Help your student boost their college options with a signature achievement.
This package includes 3 coaching hours aimed at helping students design and achieve signature accomplishments. Most students use this opportunity to design and complete a project that helps them to one or ore of the following:
- Demonstrate their understanding of and suitability for a specific major or academic focus*,
- Demonstrate their commitment to making a positive difference in their community,
- Demonstrate their support for people from less privileged or less represented populations,
- Demonstrate their leadership strengths or other qualities they would bring to campus.
Generally speaking, the more a student puts into their project, the more they will get out of it. But as with any ambitious or aspirational project, there will be some degree of risk, and that's OK. Students will learn from the experience and be able to write or talk about their lessons even if they don't achieve everything they want.
*Students who want to use Trek 2 to demonstrate their suitability for a particular major or type of work will ideally have already completed Basecamp and Trek 1 and have crafted a well-supported Career Sketch.