Help your student earn admission to great-fit colleges and majors that will support their goals.
Through the 24 hours included with this program, I will use my trademark COLLEGES framework to guide you and your student through the college selection process:
- C raft ideal fit
- O ptimize academics
- L earn about careers
- L everage strengths
- E xplore colleges
- G enerate opportunities
- E xcel in applications
- S elect your school.
I will use my best judgment to help your student prepare for and submit outstanding applications to a range of great-fit colleges. I don't guarantee admission to specific colleges, and don't have or pursue special pull with colleges. Results will vary depending on many factors, including how well the student completes their assignments. Students earn their way to better options by learning about how they are energized, and demonstrating how they can shine. This process helps students improve their college options. Having clear and energizing goals also enhances their college performance and joy in life and career.